I’m not sitting here in a stained shirt I slept in…Not me. I have not just ignored two calls from my mother…so that I can hop on to a conference. I would never do that. Right? I did not just…
Category: Musings on Me
Phew…is all I can say. I pulled in to the driveway last night? this morning? at 12:53 a.m. I was so exhausted I could have…but did not fall asleep in the driver’s seat. Let’s recap the day shall we? –…
Reflections on a Good Day of Volleyball
It’s a fact that I am a Volleyball Mom who is not the least bit sporty. I have three kids and a husband who more than make up forĀ my shortcomings by being extremely sporty. The teen plays volleyball. She…
Happy Valentine’s Day, Tween and Teen
Over the years I have made Valentine’s Day special for my kids. I help my children write/create/decorate Valentine’s for class parties. When my middle child was in preschool I was the coop parent at ALL parties — helping with games,…
#snOMG DC Snowbound Experience
Day #1 was all about watching the snow fall and fall and fall. Late afternoon we ventured out to dig our way out. Blinding sunlight. So glad we all had our ski goggles. Kids played. I shovelled, Husband snow blowed.…
My Take Away from Blogging Conferences
My two cents worth on conferences. I have attended 1 conference–the TypeAMom Conference in Asheville, NC. I write for TypeAMom so it was a natural fit. It was my first conference. I was a little overwhelmed. I found it had…
$100 Smackeroos!
What would I do with an extra $100 if someone handed it to you next month? I would spend the money on my family. Perhaps a dinner out or a movie or something that we could all enjoy together. I…
Worrywart, Yep That’s Me.
I’m a worrier. There I said it. I worry from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I probably worried when I was a baby…about what I don’t remember, but I am sure I worried! In no…
Grease Is the Word
Grease! I may not be the biggest Grease or musical theater fan, but Grease: the Soundtrack was the first album I ever purchased. I bought it from Woolworth’s in Wilmslow…a small town outside Manchester, England. It was a double album…yes,…
My Morning Routine…zzzzzzzzz
Husband tells me it is time to wake up…I sleep like the dead. I lie in bed until 6:20 a.m. when I know I need to get up or kids will be late for school. I get up and stagger…