Two years I started writing a blog. It was part of my grade for a graphic design and writing class. On the blog I commented on design elements that intrigued or repulsed me. Yes, repulsed. I have strong feelings when…
Category: Musings on Technology
App of the Week and a Giveaway: Arithmaroo
I won an ipod touch. I know! Can you believe my good fortune? I won it before Christmas. It was a Christmas gift to myself…except my kids pounced on it. Two have ipods and were anxious to check out the…
Help! I’m Stuck in Tax Prep Hell!
It’s 2:08 a.m. Why am I still up?? Why did I not listen to my husband? Why did I not give him my mileage, expenses, and payment information last week or even a month ago. Now I am trapped looking…
CyberBullies Need to Pay for Their Actions
I recently wrote about my shock over the Phoebe Prince case. I get so mad thinking about the kids who committed this crime. The nine kids who have been charged with her murder may not have killed her, but they…
Why It’s a Good Idea Not To Read the Newspaper…
I stopped the Washington Post a few months ago. It was a sad day for me. I was the only one who read the paper. I never read it on a daily basis, but I looked forward to reading it.…
Eureka! Tweet Photo on the Verizon Palm Pre Plus
I may have mentioned that I am #notatechie. I know just enough about my blog to know that I should avoid doing ANYTHING with the code. My husband has set up our TV/DVD/Surround Sound in a such a way that…
Baltimore #BloggyBootCamp
Don’t you just love the name? Doesn’t this sum up what we — I — need as a blogger? I need someone to tell me what I am doing wrong. I need the confidence to get what I want. I… — I Want to Play!!!
When my girls were toddlers and “itty bitty ones” there were no games available for them to play. Oh, you could buy CD-ROMs “for Toddlers” but the games were not easy to use. The games required use of a mouse AND…
Simplifying My Life: Baby Steps…
It wasn’t so long ago that I was all but disconnected while outside the house. My only connectivity a nontexting, noninternet cell phone. Oh and did I mention it was a broken cell phone?? It worked but the screen was shattered.…
Review: iPhone/iTouch Scholastic Apps for Kids
As the proud winner of a new iTouch, I now get a glimpse into the world of iPhones. Until now I have been the kid with my nose pressed up against the glass. Ogling at all the fun things that iPhone…