A brief entry for tonight… Tired after driving kids hither, thither, and yon. Exhausted from swim team time trials. Invigorated from fab dinner with friends. You all know that I am passionate about online safety and I promote Yoursphere to…
Category: Musings on Me
Spreading the News about #Yoursphere and Code YSMC-0051 for FREE Sign Up
As many of you know I am passionate about keeping my kids safe offline AND online. As a young mom I safety proofed my house, used car safety seats until the kids were 8 years old, held hands when we…
@litl: Works for Web-Surfy Family of #mom #dad #kid #tween #teen
A week or two ago I attended a brand/blogger event sponsored Silicon Valley Moms Blog and numerous brands. It was truly a day of pampering, information, and community. The best kind of day, really! I had the unbelievable good fortune…
@litl: Cloud Computing and a Discount Code #svmomsbitmoms
I am not, I repeat, I am not a techie. I often use the hashtag #notatechie to describe my trials and tribulations with technology. As a college student DJ, my radio show was called “Technical Difficulties.” Skipped records, locked myself…
Is 16 Years a Long Time?
We’ve been in our house almost 16 years. Still have not painted the master bedroom, one bathroom, living room, and dining room. Builder’s white…I loathe you. The rest of the house has been painted. In fact all three children’s bedrooms…
The Big Event and the Let Down: DC Metro Moms Closes Its Virtual Doors
Life takes over sometime, doesn’t it? You have plans to write a post IMMEDIATELY after returning from an event. You have a window of opportunity but you are too tired. You log on to your computer, but hear the sounds…
A Weighty Issue
I have weight that I have gained…lost…gained…lost…gained…and lost during three pregnancies. I have about 50 pounds to lose. I have lost 15 pounds and counting. My oldest is 14, so my path to weight loss is slow. I’m motivated at times.…
Brrrr: Beach Time In Manchester
With summer approaching, thoughts of water, sand, and sun spring to mind. I was born in Manchester. We spent many rainy, windy days bundled in blankets behind windbreaks sipping hot tea at the “seaside” in Southport. My sister and I…
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
I am not an outgoing person. I keep to myself. I don’t like to be the center of attention. Working from home works for me. At my first blogging conference, I knew my roommate, my driving companion, and 5 other…
Weigh in @MomSpark on the Term “Mommy Blogger” https://tinyurl.com/2eje9cu
I don’t know about you but I fell in to blogging. I never set out to make a career in blogging. I read a few blogs. Clicked a few buttons. Joined a few networks. Marvelled at the free stuff I…