Category: Giveaways

Spotlight on PR: Jill Berry

 Who am I? I’m a writer. In the early days of my career I shied away from the “writer” title. I was an editor of other people’s writing. I loved my job as a Senior Editor for a publisher, but…

Review: Rock of Ages

The 80s marked the beginning and end of what I term my obsession with music. You know what I mean…that time in your life when you live and breath music. When you wake up to music and simultaneously annoy your…

Practical Jokes and Pranks

To the best of my knowledge I have never done an April Fool’s Day prank. My kids have. We have had the “every sock in the drawer is mismatched” and the “piece of plastic over the end of the toothpaste tube.”…

Snikiddy Snacks

There are snacks and then there are SNACKS. I prefer SNACKS to snacks any day. A SNACK leaves you satisfied and happy, while a snack leaves you with the feeling that you shouldn’t have wasted those precious calories. Snikiddy is…

Childhood Obesity Is at All-Time High

With childhood obesity reaching an all time high across the country, many parents struggle with how to help their children maintain a healthy weight with proper nutrition.   Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, the official doctor of Camp Shane and a board certified pediatrician,…

Spendervention: Giveaway

When TJ Maxx and Home Goods arrived in my small town, it was a big-time news event. TJ Maxx shares a building with Home Goods. Both have separate entrances and cash registers, but the return desk is for both stores. I…