Category: Musings on Family


I swear to you that I am a good Mom. I make lunches. Supervise homework. Kids have clean clothes for school. We have a set bedtime on schoolnights — different times for different aged kids. My youngest is read to…

A Good Day To Be a Kid

Saturday was a good day to be a kid in our house. My son woke early. Spent the morning helping Coach Dad and his grandfather install the garage door. He loved showing off on his new scooter and the skateboard.…

What’s Your Shopping Style?

If I shop without a list, I end up buying many processed or packaged foods. A shopping list coupled with buying specific menu items helps me stay focused. I am not a good cook, so a recipe gives me step-by-step…

Braces and Candy

The tween is a candy-a-holic. If it is chocolate … gooey … chewy … gummy … and sweet. She is all over it. The gummier and gooier the better. Until last month… …last month she got braces on her top…