Category: Family

Is It Too Late for a #BacktoSchool Post?

How can it be October? I haven’t written my back-to-school post yet! In all the mayhem and confusion of back-to-school, my post got sidelined. Back-to-school was a welcome return to our daily routine. Our back-to-school was made easier because of……

My Love of Books #BlogHer

Books make my day. Books force me to take time for myself. Books are a refuge from the craziness. Some days I need a way to escape. I used to escape in to the internetI found the Scholastic event to…

Date Night…Any Which Way You Can

After 20 years of marriage and three children, date nights are sadly few and far between. We have babysitting issues as the grandparents are getting older. I don’t always feel comfortable leaving the younger two with the oldest. My husband…

Tweens Love Hair

When my girls were little I could barely get a brush through their hair without shrieks and yells. Now that the girls are older, both are completely consumed with their hair. The style. The hair products. The cut. And did…