Category: health

WE CAN! Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the launch of the WE CAN! joint initiative of NIH_and_Subway. To recap…NIH stands for National Institutes of Health Subway is that great sandwich shop with Jared Fogle as the spokesperson. If… Giveaway!

A few weeks ago I met Dr. Joanna Dolgoff at the Subway/NIH We Can! PEP Rally. Dr. Dolgoff runs an Online Weight Management Program for Children and Teens called Dr. Dolgoff’s Weigh is a traffic-light based nutrition plan in…

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers…just writing it down makes me cringe. I’m four for zero for joining WW. Joined in the 80s, 90s, and I *think* 2000. At my best I lost 10 pounds. At my worst I went for weeks without losing…

C-Sections: 5 Years Later

I posted recently on my first c-section in 1996. The c-section was unexpected. Do I have regrets? Not really. Do I wish I had natural childbirth? Not really, because I feel strongly that I was meant to have a c-section.…

I Might Just Meet Jared Today!

Remember this guy?Guess who I might meet today — Jared! There’s a Subway event downtown promoting health eating for kids. (Thanks to Marianna for the information — @LookNoHands and RidingwithNoHands and also thanks to Janine for the invitation — @twincident…

Cool Mommy Guide: Blog Swing

Fitness Friday: Reflection by CouponCoupJenn I’m struggling to write a Fitness Friday post. I’m not sure which aspect of my life to write about right now…it all seems very fitness and health related. I’m not clever enough to think of…

Scary Phone Call

Kids were eating breakfast. Crafty Daughter was at school. I was checking e-mail, of course. Phone rings. I see Crafty Daughter’s middle school phone number. It was the school nurse. Crafty Daughter had passed out in homeroom. I asked how…