I’m on a roll with posts… On our first trip to Disney with our kids who were 3 and 5, my husband was thrilled to see the Robin Hood Fox at the entrance to Magic Kingdom. The fox was his…
Category: Family
Make a Break for It: Snowbound in D.C.
Roads — Plowed. Driveway — Clear. Suitcases — Packed. Kids — Excited. Adults — Relieved. At the unseemly hour of 6 a.m. Coach Dad, the tween, and the teen, fired up the old SUV…loaded up the bags…packed the snacks…and headed…
#snOMG DC Snowbound Experience
Day #1 was all about watching the snow fall and fall and fall. Late afternoon we ventured out to dig our way out. Blinding sunlight. So glad we all had our ski goggles. Kids played. I shovelled, Husband snow blowed.…
$100 Smackeroos!
What would I do with an extra $100 if someone handed it to you next month? I would spend the money on my family. Perhaps a dinner out or a movie or something that we could all enjoy together. I…
Worrywart, Yep That’s Me.
I’m a worrier. There I said it. I worry from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I probably worried when I was a baby…about what I don’t remember, but I am sure I worried! In no…
#snOMG or #Snopocalyse or #Snomageddon
Whatever way you slice it today will live on as the biggest snow in DC history. …until the next bad snow…maybe. Until that time we can enjoy…or bitterly accept that the snow was extraordinary. The children were on edge toward the…
Pucker Up for the Neosporin 3-Day Challenge
Winter is wonderful if…there is snow on the ground. And the snow must be pristine, white, freshly fallen snow…not slushy, brown, bracken-ish snow. With snow on the ground, I can survive low temperatures, wind chill, and bone-chilling cold. But, take…
Review & Giveaway: SIMS ANIMALS Africa for wii
Two summers ago we purchased a wii. We were stuck at home in August…feeling a little sorry that we were not going on a big vacation trip in August. We did go to the beach in June of that year,…
H1N1 Answers from Dr. Mark Rosenberg
Back in the fall my normally “go with the flow on anything related to the kids’ medical health” husband, made a stand about H1N1. He was ADAMANT that the children — a kid, a preteen, and a teen — would…
Review: Nerf-n-Strike Elite Bundle
It was a direct hit. I aimed. I fired. I nailed my target. My target? My then-boyfriiend/now-husband. The location of the hit? The toy aisle at the Gaithersburg Square Toys R Us. My weapon of choice a Nerf Javelin. It…