Category: Blog Conferences

Have You Tried MyLikes?

I click on many links throughout the day. Sometimes I click a link to join, but realize that I have already joined. Do you ever do that? I guess I am a little click happy. MyLikes is proving to be…

Finding My Niche

I suffer from what I call the “rambling, stream of consciousness elevator” pitch. Before BlogHer I worked on my pitch. I posted about my struggle to come up with a good pitch over at MomSpark Forum. I got a few…

On My Way to #BlogHer

I wrote this on the train…posting now due to spotty internet… All week I wanted to write a going to BlogHer post. Kids, Swimming. Camp dropoffs and pickups. Playdates. Cleaning. Laundry. Paid work. You name it and I had a…

Packing for #BlogHer

Would it make all of you going to BlogHer feel better to know that I just finished packing for TWO trips? It’s 3 a.m. What exactly am I doing up? I should be in bed, but I am collecting paperwork,…

It Can’t Be Possible?!?

This time tomorrow I will be preparing for BlogHer. I arrive at BlogHer on Wednesday. I’m leaving my family on vacation to go to BlogHer. I feel guilty about this…don’t get me wrong. I know that my family will have…