Category: School

Where Am I This Week?

Let’s start with where I was last week. This week is all aboutĀ  recovering from taking the train to New York and flying to and from Houston. New York was awesome. I met a niche toy company. This company have…

Teen Driving Tips

I found this on our local high school’s website. Very Important Information for teens and their parents… As we enter the winter driving months it is important for you to remind your student drivers to take precautions to avoid potentially…

Is it O.K. to Bash a Preschool?

I have three children. The older two attended two preschools each. The youngest only went to one preschool. My oldest’s first preschool and my middle’s second preschool had major problems. I pulled my oldest from her preschool, but opted to…

Musings on Thanksgiving

As a former foreigner, I now claim Thanksgiving as a my holiday. As a child Thanksgiving was celebrated intermittently. When in America, do as the Americans do. As a freshman in college, far away from home I was taken in…

Go to School or Not?

First time ever since switching to WordPress I lost a post. Huh! This happened to me all the time with Blogger. Happens frequently 0n one of the sites I write for. My posts get lost so much that I copy…