Where Am I This Week?

Let’s start with where I was last week. This week is all about  recovering from taking the train to New York and flying to and from Houston.

New York was awesome. I met a niche toy company. This company have a line of dolls for girls aged 1 to 3.  The dolls are super cute. My girls — when they were little — would have been like kids in a candy shoppe in the doll room at the Goldberger Company.

I rode in a town car. Felt very executive like. Thank you, Goldberger Doll Company. As a newbie to NYC I had fun riding in taxis from the Javits Center to Hasbro showroom, Hasbro to Javits, and Javits to Penn Station. I could get used to this life…except I am a mom and have three kids at home who need me.  My jaunts to cities will be a fun interlude from time to time.

While I was gallivanting about NYC and Houston my family was back at home doing what they do…school…work…homework…volleyball…reading… My husband was a huge support for me. He willingly said he would put  the kids on and off the bus. I wrote over at TypeAMom about preparing dad for when mom goes on a trip.

Rosy Cheeks in the SnowThe kids were home for 12 days…snow days…weekends…federal holiday. I’ll let you in to a little secret. Shhh! Spending a snow day with a 6 yo, 11 yo, and  14 yo is fun! If you are mom of a baby or a toddler or a preschooler, you will not know what I am talking about. Believe I have been there. Spending a day home alone was one thing, but spending DAYS home alone was an entirely different proposition. My kids know how to occupy themselves when there is no school!

I can recall a time when my preschooler was desperate to go outside to play in the snow. The toddler could not stand up in the snow, let alone walk in the snow. I solved the problem by letting the preschooler play on the deck while I stayed inside with the toddler. My preschooler loved the freedom. Of course I did have the experience of zipping, pulling, wrangling her in to snow clothes. I let her out of the deck door turned around to attend to my toddler. A minute later the preschooler knocked on the door…she needed the bathroom, of course!

Inspired by snow days and what to do with preteens, I wrote a post over at the Examiner.com on TV and Tweens. Other articles on parenting tweens in Baltimore: keeping kids occupied during a snowstorm and when can your tween stay home  alone.

Did I mention that I am the new co-City Leader over at www.DC.CityMommy.com? We have a couple of discussions going on about:

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