Category: Musings on Me

Hard Posts to Write

I have writer’s block from time to time. I’m not a trained writer. Whatever that is. I was an English major. I copyedited and product managed for a publisher for years, so I know good writing when I see it.…

#BlogHer Dos…and a Few Don’ts

Writing wrapup posts is hard for me. How can I encapsulate everything in to one single post? It’s hard writing everything in multiple posts, too. I’m giving it a shot. So, here’s my #BlogHer Dos post… Do bring recycled shopping…

#BlogHer Recap with Photos

So it seems a little funny to be writing an update post so long after everyone else, but… I finally uploaded photos to Facebook from BlogHer. A blog post is in order. On the Thursday of BlogHer I was invited…

Have You Tried MyLikes?

I click on many links throughout the day. Sometimes I click a link to join, but realize that I have already joined. Do you ever do that? I guess I am a little click happy. MyLikes is proving to be…