Category: Giveaways

Wanchai Ferry: Giveaway

My children are not adventurous eaters. We live far enough away from a big metropolis that we are not able to expose the children to a variety of food types. Truth be told I am not an adventurous eater, either.…

What is a SEED? My Whrrl Story

I created a Whrrl story to explain what SEED means to me. I submitted my Whrrl story for the SEED BlogHer contest sponsored by Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom. Come check out my story: Powered by Whrrl If my Whrrl doesn’t show up…sometimes…

When Is the Right Time?

When is the right time to start a family anyway? Should I buy a house now or in a year? A vacation? When is a good time to go? At one time or another we have all pondered these types…

Picking Winners!

Hosting giveaways is fun…hard work, but fun. Picking and contacting winners is pure joy. I have never told a winner in person, but from the e-mails back to me I can tell that 99.9% of winners are thrilled to win.…