Category: Family Shopping Time

Fashion Diva

Summer garden party? Going to a stylish restaurant? Getting down? School clothes? With my 10-year-old…you just never know what she will come out of her bedroom wearing. Stripes and plaid. Paisley and fluorescent. Everyday is a mystery…except mismatch day at…

Walmart Rocks

My son turned 6 last weekend. He chose a Star Wars themed party. He was very, very, and did I say, very specific about what he wanted for his birthday party. Let’s just say we had a lively discussion about…

Star Wars and 5-Year-Old Boys

At Halloweentime my son announced that he wanted to be Darth Vader. I found this odd since he had not seen any of the Star Wars films, nor expressed much interest in Star Wars. In the weeks before Halloween he…

A Hat for All Seasons

My folding laundry hat. My cleaning the garage hat. My proud to be an American hat (I became a citizen in the 90s). Have a favorite hat? Post it here.

Dear Clothing Manufacturer

Example of “fugly” shirt. Why all those circles? Why brown, beige, and orange? Dear Clothing Manufactuers: I’m not happy with the size and style of clothing that I need to wear. Three pregnancies and a largely nonexistent willpower have left…