Category: Family

WE CAN! Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the launch of the WE CAN! joint initiative of NIH_and_Subway. To recap…NIH stands for National Institutes of Health Subway is that great sandwich shop with Jared Fogle as the spokesperson. If… Giveaway!

A few weeks ago I met Dr. Joanna Dolgoff at the Subway/NIH We Can! PEP Rally. Dr. Dolgoff runs an Online Weight Management Program for Children and Teens called Dr. Dolgoff’s Weigh is a traffic-light based nutrition plan in…

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers…just writing it down makes me cringe. I’m four for zero for joining WW. Joined in the 80s, 90s, and I *think* 2000. At my best I lost 10 pounds. At my worst I went for weeks without losing…

C-Sections: 5 Years Later

I posted recently on my first c-section in 1996. The c-section was unexpected. Do I have regrets? Not really. Do I wish I had natural childbirth? Not really, because I feel strongly that I was meant to have a c-section.…