Category: Family

Love Thursday

So, I missed Wordless Wednesday, but here I am with Love Thursday… The photo above embodies the essence of 5 years old. My son skips on our newly powerwashed and treated deck (gratuitous household task mention). He had just carved…

NaBloPoMo Oooops I Messed Up

Well, I did it. I messed up the NaBloPoMo. Thought I had a post scheduled to go and I was wrong. Oh well, tomorrow is another day…when I will blog. This weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Let’s recap shall…

Eight Facts About Me…

So the mrs. tagged me in a post… Here are the rules: 1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves. 2. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post…

5 Years Old and Shows It

My son is 5 and, boy, is he giving me a run for my money. He is a burping, talking back, argumentative, defiant ball of 5-year-old “ness.” He started kindergarten in late August. All was well for the first week.…