Our swingset was crushed by hail in 2005 (see above). It looked as though a giant stepped on the swingset. So, today it was light, then dark, then windy, then dark again, then light rain, the torrential, soak-to-the-bone rain, then…
Category: Family
Love Thursday
So, I missed Wordless Wednesday, but here I am with Love Thursday… The photo above embodies the essence of 5 years old. My son skips on our newly powerwashed and treated deck (gratuitous household task mention). He had just carved…
Top Ten Things I Cannot Live Without
I found this on themrs blog. As a mom, what are the 10 things that you cannot live without it? If you blog about your 10 things you cannot live without, let me know here. Here’s my list in no…
NaBloPoMo Oooops I Messed Up
Well, I did it. I messed up the NaBloPoMo. Thought I had a post scheduled to go and I was wrong. Oh well, tomorrow is another day…when I will blog. This weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Let’s recap shall…
Suzanne Franco — The Next Blogging Idol
Came across someone who wants to be the next Blogging Idol. I’m a huge American Idol fan, so this one caught my eye. If you feel you want to support her, read what I found on Suzanne’s site. By the…
In previous post, I should have tagged mommyneedstherapy .
Eight Facts About Me…
So the mrs. tagged me in a post… Here are the rules: 1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves. 2. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post…
5 Years Old and Shows It
My son is 5 and, boy, is he giving me a run for my money. He is a burping, talking back, argumentative, defiant ball of 5-year-old “ness.” He started kindergarten in late August. All was well for the first week.…
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Is $1 Too Little for a Tooth?
$5 per tooth. Yes, that is what parents in my community give per tooth in the guise of the Tooth Fairy. Isn’t $5 a little excessive? $5 x the number of teeth a child will lose x number of children…