Category: Blogging Conferences — BlogHer

Perplexed and a Little Annoyed

I did not get accepted for the Disney Social Media Moms Conference. I’m not happy. I’m a little sad, too. We were looking forward to taking the children to Disney. We go every 5 years. More than some. Not as…

Unilever Showcases Brands @BlogHer

The Unilever Penthouse at #BlogHer was fun. “Fun” really is an inadequate word to describe the awesomeness of the event…hair, makeup, reflexology, food sampling, crafting, and more was on tap at the Unilever event. I wasn’t sure how Unilever would…

TypeAMom Is a Go! #typeamom

This time last year I was a bumbling, dithering, wishy washy mess. I had a ticket to TypeAMom. I had recently started writing for TypeAMom on Preteens. After hearing about the conference I very much wanted to go. At the…

#BlogHer Dos…and a Few Don’ts

Writing wrapup posts is hard for me. How can I encapsulate everything in to one single post? It’s hard writing everything in multiple posts, too. I’m giving it a shot. So, here’s my #BlogHer Dos post… Do bring recycled shopping…

#BlogHer Recap with Photos

So it seems a little funny to be writing an update post so long after everyone else, but… I finally uploaded photos to Facebook from BlogHer. A blog post is in order. On the Thursday of BlogHer I was invited…