Perplexed and a Little Annoyed

I did not get accepted for the Disney Social Media Moms Conference. I’m not happy. I’m a little sad, too. We were looking forward to taking the children to Disney. We go every 5 years. More than some. Not as much as some. We’re lucky…I know to be able to go to Disney at all.

On our last trip our kids were 3, 8, and 10. We’re due for another trip. This may be our last trip as a family. Our 14-year-old may not want to go on a trip to Disney in a year or two. The biggest selling point of the Disney Social Media Moms Conference was the cost. We’re on one income plus whatever I earn with my various writing, blogging, and social media gigs. The price of a trip to Disney for a family of 5 is outrageous. The conference price was a steal. Planning a trip will be very pricey for us.

Like many I spent over an hour trying to register using 2 computers, with various browsers open…you know the usual craziness that I do when confronted with an online registration process. Here’s the difference: I thought I was applying for a spot. I compiled my blog stats in a google doc so that I could efficiently add my stats in to the registration document. Now it seems that my efforts were useless. I did not think that the process was a “first come first served deal.’ Instead I thought it would be an honest and thorough evaluation of who we are as bloggers. How could they evaluate all of us in less than 24 hours? I’m annoyed that I was mislead. I’m also furious that I was late getting my daughter to the orthodontist. So irresponsible of me. Even after all of this I didn’t register. I e-mailed my stats to my husband who took time out of his job to register us.

There’s a contradiction…was the process 1st come 1st served or were we evaluated? Disney and the other affiliated mom blogger groups need to explain why there was a drop dead registration deadline. There should have been a lottery. Now there is some question over people who registered after others but were accepted. However the registration process worked people would have been upset over not getting to go to the Disney conference.

I know that not everyone who applies to an event with limited tickets can go, but the process needs to be clear and well-thought out.

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