Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Yoplait Lids Save Lives

A Note from my pals at MyBlogSpark and MyGetTogether… October may be over but you can still help support the breast cancer cause through Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives until the end of the year. For every pink lid…

My Giveaway Tips

Some months I am all about the giveaways. Other months it is like crickets chirping around this blog. My guidelines about hosting giveaways. I’m still learning how to do them effectively. Write about about the item you are giving away.…

Representing DC and Baltimore Moms

I straddle two markets. What started as an inconsistency when I answered the question “where do you live?” with “D.C.” or “Baltimore” or “D.C./Baltimore,” has turned in to a passion to be a part of both markets. See wishy-washy-ness pays…