Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Girls Are UnSTOPpable

A PSA for my Readers… I was contacted about a worthwhile campaign. Would I post about a campaign if it wasn’t worthwhile? You know I wouldn’t. So read on… Candace Parker has teamed up with the Playtex® Sport® brand for…

Hmmm…What Would I Do?

Ever been asked what would you do if you won the lottery. I’m sure your answers were outlandish and crazy, and very much over-the-top. Buy a boat. A house! Travel all around the world! When faced with the lottery win,…

I Am So Mad!!

Can I share with you? I don’t plan on blogging details. I never blog about specifics about my family. I blog in the vaguest way possible. I want to protect my family and my children. But I want to share…

Are Hospitals Safe Enough?

Touch wood I have only been in hospital 3 times. For the births of all 3 children. My experience each time was reasonably good. I worried most about the safety of my newborn. My health second. We left the hospital…

AE Pass and the Teen

My teen has become a frugal shopper. We are a million miles away from the 8/9-year-old who insisted on buying shirts from Limited Too now Justice even though the shirt cost her entire life savings. In those early days of…