Every year since my children were in preschool I have scheduled conferences with their respective teachers. In elementary school, fall conferences are for meeting the language arts teacher and spring conferences are for meeting the math teacher. Often I schedule…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one dinner...game night...movie at a time.
We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Fastfood
Love, love that I have written two posts about our attempt to curb our consumption of FastfooD otherwise known as the Mom on the Run FastfooD Ban and I have an ad on this site for Wendy’s. I needed a…
NaBloPoMo Oooops I Messed Up! or SuperVolunteer Is Ready
Well, I tonight I had a post ready and raring to go. Nope, did not happen. Well, I am going to promise to get back on track. Some housekeeping issues: Mom on the Run Family’s Fast Food Ban — Broke…
I Think I May Know Why I Can’t Lose Weight Even While Exercising
I Think I May Know Why I Can’t Lose Weight Even While Exercising… It starts with F and ends with D –that would be Fast fooD. I knew that we had partaken of more than our usual fast food fare…
Hi, I’m Mom on the Run….
I’m adding this weight loss ticker here in the hopes that it acts as a motivation for me to exercise more often. With diet (another post needed for this topic) and exercise, I would like to get to my goal…
Wordless Wednesday: My Family
Mom on the Run — My son took this photo after begging for the camera. He had sat through not one, but two volleyball matches. I was humoring him so that he would sit still for just one more minute.…
Birthday Party Dilemmas
We used to do at-home parties for friends and family–parties were too big and caused problems for birthday child. By the time each child was 5, we moved on to doing two parties, one for friends and one for family–it…
Bombay Peacock Grill, Columbia, MD: Roaches Are Not Okay.
I met a friend yesterday at Indian restaurant–Bombay Peacock Grill. I had not seen her since we both survived a hellatious graphics class in the spring. She is continuing in the graphic design program. I am evaluating my options. I…
Motrin and BabyWearing
I jumped on this Motrin bandwagon late, so never saw the commercial before it was taken down. I, too, was never a babywearer. Like every other mom I purchased a Snugli. To me it seemed a necessary article of baby…
It’s Easy To Forget That You Have a Gym Memberships
Back in the late 80s a funny thing happened on the way to the gym… Compared to now, I did not have much weight to lose at all. Seriously, I think I needed to lose 20 pounds. 20 pounds? I…