Motrin and BabyWearing

I jumped on this Motrin bandwagon late, so never saw the commercial before it was taken down. I, too, was never a babywearer. Like every other mom I purchased a Snugli. To me it seemed a necessary article of baby equipment. I never tried it on before I had my daughter. I never thought about whether it was one size fits all.

Once my daughter was born, I realized that “I” did not fit the Snugli. I was a size 14 on top prior to the birth of my daughter. After her birth I was very top heavy. I “could” wear the Snugli, but it was uncomfortable for me. My daughter was 7 pounds at birth. I had a hard time getting the Snugli on–it felt like a straitjacket. I gave up after a couple of weeks.

Do I feel guilty that I did not wear my daughter around the house or neighborhood? No. Do I feel less bonded to her? No.

As with any decision you make for your child you have to be O.K. with it. Babywearing did not work for me. My daughter at 12 is a lovely, mature, bright girl. I am glad that it works for other people.

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