Wordless Wednesday: My Family

Mom on the Run — My son took this photo after begging for the camera. He had sat through not one, but two volleyball matches. I was humoring him so that he would sit still for just one more minute.

Crafty Daughter — Getting ready for a pass at her volleyball match. She dabbled in many sports/activities (soccer, t-ball, basketball, dance, piano) before finding volleyball. My husband played volleyball on a college rec team. While he was an English teacher, he coached coed and girls’ volleyball. I have taken her to volleyball games since she was a baby. Her first love, above all else, is anything artistic–painting, crafts, drawing, fashion design. She loves books, as well. Oh, and she is 12 going on 20.

Sporty Daughter — She is the family comedienne. She is like me and does not take things seriously. She is 10, but is still comfortable playing with Barbies. She also plays volleyball like her sister. Sporty has a gift for mimicry…she does a hilarious Pinnochio from Shrek. Last spring she tried lacrosse. I had not realized what a hard sport lacrosse would be to learn. She did a good job. The girls wear eye goggles and a mouth guard whereas boys wear full pads. She took a ball to the shoulder…I could hear the thwap…yikes. Not sure she will play again.

Adventure Boy — He is a 5-year-old bundle of energy. Always busy, always with a plan. Just starting to take an interest in writing and reading. He has tried soccer — loved it — and swimming — liked it. I am dreading the day he asks to play football. Like his Dad he is a Redskins fan.

Dad — You’ll have to guess what my husband looks like. He’s a former English teacher who now trains and mentors teachers.

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