Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Diane Birch — Bible Belt: A Review

I’m thoroughly enjoying my participation in the — an amazing network for women. I heard about Diane Birch when I was reviewing the The night before I received I read many tweets about how awesome Bible Belt was. I…

Myths of Mommy Bloggers

I answered a question from @reallifesarah about the myths of mommy bloggers. Sarah was kind enough to include me in this article. Thanks, Sarah!

Bejewled Giveaway

The reader contest is open to all U.S. residents 18 year or older and ends Saturday, June 27th at noon eastern time. Complete rules are included in the reader entry form.    Contest Details: Have you ever wanted to start your own…

Reading Is Queen

Reading is king in our house, or queen — I’m English, my husband is American, though. In England we are all about the Royals even if some of us disagree with the amount of money they get from the state.…

Do You Do This?

When your spouse is losing weight, are you encouraging or do you make your spouse feel guilty about trying to get in shape? I’m sad to admit that I am not a cheerleader when my husband is dieting. He —…

Swim Team Teen Style

My teen has been on the swim team since a teeny tiny 2nd grader. She wore almost the same size swim suit as her 5-year-old sister. Then and now she is skin and bones. Hates cold water. The swimming pool…

The Sleepy Teen

I’ve got a kid who needs lots of sleep as he is up at the crack of dawn. A preteen who needs slightly less sleep, but is still up with the dawn chorus. And a teen who is taking after…