Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

But, Mommy Melted!

Like most children, my children have their times when they don’t want to go to bed. Overall we have had an easy time of the bedtime woes, but every now and then we have a night of excuses. In random…

What a Difference a Day Makes..

I posted yesterday about my frustrations with my son. Well, two things happened: (1) today was a huge improvement over yesterday, and (2) I got two great suggestions on how to help him “get with the program.” One suggestion was…

The Circus Is Coming to Town!

There are circuses, and then there is the CIRCUS. The RinglingBros. and Barnum_&_Bailey_Circus is quite simply spectactular. Three rings of high wire acts, death-defying motorcycle stunts, and an exotic array of animals…not to mention the clowns. We took our children…

Cool Mommy Guide: Blog Swing

Fitness Friday: Reflection by CouponCoupJenn I’m struggling to write a Fitness Friday post. I’m not sure which aspect of my life to write about right now…it all seems very fitness and health related. I’m not clever enough to think of…

Good News and Bad News

The good news I am quite healthy per the doctor. The bad news I need to lose weight per the doctor. No surprise there. Yay for honesty of medical professionals. Boo for cold hard truth. I do need to lose…

Wednesdays R Us: Multitaskers

Multitasking at its best…coloring a Simpsons poster from Burger King while watching The Simpsons Movie. Excuse my messy family room…it was a snow day. Submitted to Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, The Not-So-Blog Blog, Punky Monkey’s, Wordful Wednesday, Go…