Is There Anything Worse Than the Anonyspill? @Clorox #Icktionary

This a sponsored post through a and Clorox blogging program. Is this a familiar scenario to you? You walk through the kitchen, or perhaps the kids’ bathroom. Your mind is abuzz with plans for the day. You need to make lunch…

Social Media Moms Doing Social Good #JerseyLove

Last October we pressed pause. Briefly. I knew that something awful was coming. Not a family issue or anything to do with jobs, but a change was coming. The second to last week of that month we braced. We prepped…

Musings from Me Spring and Summer Gift Guide: The Windows 8X by HTC #Windows8X

Despite my proclamations on the internet that I am #notatechie, I have actually been an early adopter of a couple of technologies. Shocking, right? My husband and I bought a personal computer in 1991. That thing was a behemoth. So heavy.…