Have I mentioned that I’m a winning machine? Yes, just about every week I win something or so it seems. I know I sound braggy, but if it were not for winning prizes and getting free stuff to review I…
Jon and Kate Plus 8 — The End?
What do you think of the possible breakup/divorce of Jon and Kate of Jon & Kate Plus 8? I must admit that prior to watching the season opener, I thought that the breakup rumors were just that — rumors to…
Moms and Drinking
What is your stance on moms and alcohol? I’m not teetotal or antialcohol. After a day with kids I’ve been known to open up a can — uh bottle — of rum and make a RUM with a splash of…
Mom’s Nite Out
Mom’s Nite Out, a venture between MomSelect/Maria Bailey and many vendors, was a raging success. The event held in early May was a fun night for moms to get out with friends and have a much-needed rest from the day-to-day…
It’s How I Tweet: Guidelines for Beginner Twitter Users
A friend in my real life just joined twitter. I haven’t seen her tweet much since she joined. She tweeted today and lamented that she did not “get twitter.” My list of tips to her morphed in to a post.…
Umbrella Hat or Not?
This might possibly be the most ridiculous item I have seen in quite some time. Not only it is an absurd hat…but look at the model. Why the crossed eyes and the tongue sticking out? Is the hat not enough?…