Category: My Writing

#Yoursphere’s Our World

This past week was Cra-Zy. The kids are finishing up all the wacky and time-consuming end-of-the-year projects. One video on the British colonization of India — check. One recitation with a partner of a speech from Romeo and Juliet —…

Vegas or Bust!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of KAO Brands. All opinions are 100% mine. For as long as I have known my husband he has talked of a trip to Vegas. For our honeymoon we toured…

Blogging Conferences

If you had asked me in 2008 what a blog was…or a blogging conference…or a blogger, I would have looked at you with a blank stare. Now don’t get me wrong I was computer and internet savvy back then. But,…