Category: Musings on Me

Middle School Drama

The Middle School Midnight Madness. Would you want to be in middle school again? Raging hormones. Spats. Infighting. Silly behavior. No, I didn’t think so. From my vantage point behind the dinner table I had a birds eye view of…

5 Tips for Photographing Toddlers

FireMom over at StopDropandBlog posted about photographing toddlers. Her post brought back a flood of memories of some great and not-so-great experiences photographing our children. I made a decision early on with my oldest to have regular photographs taken. Since…

Who Am I?

I’ve been a SAHM since 2002. This year at the same time as my youngest child started kindergarten, I started looking for work opportunities during the school day. Part-time jobs are hard to find in my semi-rural area. Many jobs…

A Hat for All Seasons

My folding laundry hat. My cleaning the garage hat. My proud to be an American hat (I became a citizen in the 90s). Have a favorite hat? Post it here.

Having a Day…

Having a day where I… Tried to focus on getting kids ready for school by not checking e-mail before everyone left for school — but still forgot my son’s library book since it is media today and forget to remind…