Category: Musings on Me

Our Back-to-School Traditions

I never had any traditions when my children started preschool. I was too busy dealing with cranky babies, non-napping toddlers, and a busy work schedule to do more than give my children a hug on the first day of school.…

Unilever Showcases Brands @BlogHer

The Unilever Penthouse at #BlogHer was fun. “Fun” really is an inadequate word to describe the awesomeness of the event…hair, makeup, reflexology, food sampling, crafting, and more was on tap at the Unilever event. I wasn’t sure how Unilever would…

TypeAMom Is a Go! #typeamom

This time last year I was a bumbling, dithering, wishy washy mess. I had a ticket to TypeAMom. I had recently started writing for TypeAMom on Preteens. After hearing about the conference I very much wanted to go. At the…