A Note from my pals at MyBlogSpark and MyGetTogether… October may be over but you can still help support the breast cancer cause through Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives until the end of the year. For every pink lid…
Category: Musings on Me
In My House I Am Typhoid Mary…Are You?
I’m not a carrier for disease. I haven’t had the plague. I stay healthy year round. But, I can make a computer sick in minutes. Seriously. I know just enough about computers to do the following: send an e-mail tweet…
Join Yoursphere.com for a Chance to win a wii, Dance Central w/Kinect, and more
If you read me on twitter, friend me on Facebook, meet me in the corridors of the local schools, or read this blog, you will know that I have MY topics. You know the ones I blog, chat, ramble on…
Perplexed and a Little Annoyed
I did not get accepted for the Disney Social Media Moms Conference. I’m not happy. I’m a little sad, too. We were looking forward to taking the children to Disney. We go every 5 years. More than some. Not as…
Thankful Post…Late due to Flu
I’m thankful for family near and far, a supportive husband who sees that my blogging as a hobby is starting to pay off in more than just free DVDs and coffeemakers, kids who are adjusting to my new work schedule…
The Office: MusingsfromMe Style
I was in a stomach flu induced stupor yesterday. I was barely able to keep going without sipping water sparingly and sleeping in a hibernating bear fashion. During one night or maybe a long nap, I dreamed the following dream.…
Dunkin’ Donuts: Holiday Flavored Coffees
I heart coffee. Not that I recall my first cup or anything. Perhaps in the college dining hall? In France? Milky coffee with a chocolate digestive biscuit in an English tea room? I’m not a tea drinker, despite the genes.…
Portrait Session: Let Your Teen/Tween Make a Statement
When children are young, taking photos is relatively easy. Most children will smile naturally when asked to by the photographer. Once the tween/teen years hit, many children become self-conscious about having their photos taken. A good photographer can put your…
“Get it done” v. “Make it fun”: Cooking for Your Family
I’m not what you would call a “domestic goddess.” My house is not spotless. My kids always have clean cloths, but…just not the clothes they want to wear. “Put the shirt on…it looks fine! is a common statement from me…
@YoursphereMom in the #BlogHer House and a #Giveaway!
As a mom of teens, tweens, and kids, online safety is my thing. Must have it. Must teach it to my kids. Must make sure that kids are safe while browsing the internet, e-mailing, and so forth. At home and…