Category: blogging/blogosphere


Today is a day I am thankful for my husband. He doesn’t really understand what I do, but he supports me. He doesn’t blink at the boxes coming in to our house. He doesn’t ask why none of the boxes contain…

Black Friday and Me

I have a checkered past with Black Friday. I love it and hate it at the same time. The love is the deals. The hate is getting up early and braving the DC Metro traffic and the crowds!   Did I mention…

TypeAMom Wrapup

Three weeks ago I wasn’t sure I was going to Asheville. I had my registration squared away, but travel and hotel seemed an insurmountable obstacle. Enter my good friend, Janine. Janine reached out to me and asked me to travel down…

I’m Going to TypeAMom!

I started writing for TypeAMom almost a year ago. In fact here’s one of my first articles on homework. Almost a year later I am now the Preteens Editor at TypeAMom. I write from the experience of surviving one preteen and…