Today is a day. It will be a day and a half long before I go to bed. With three children in full-day school, you would think I would have plenty o’ time to get what I need done. Yes,…
Category: Moms
All things for moms all the time
Spreading the News about #Yoursphere and Code YSMC-0051 for FREE Sign Up
As many of you know I am passionate about keeping my kids safe offline AND online. As a young mom I safety proofed my house, used car safety seats until the kids were 8 years old, held hands when we…
@litl: Works for Web-Surfy Family of #mom #dad #kid #tween #teen
A week or two ago I attended a brand/blogger event sponsored Silicon Valley Moms Blog and numerous brands. It was truly a day of pampering, information, and community. The best kind of day, really! I had the unbelievable good fortune…
@litl: Cloud Computing and a Discount Code #svmomsbitmoms
I am not, I repeat, I am not a techie. I often use the hashtag #notatechie to describe my trials and tribulations with technology. As a college student DJ, my radio show was called “Technical Difficulties.” Skipped records, locked myself…
A Weighty Issue
I have weight that I have gained…lost…gained…lost…gained…and lost during three pregnancies. I have about 50 pounds to lose. I have lost 15 pounds and counting. My oldest is 14, so my path to weight loss is slow. I’m motivated at times.…
Weigh in @MomSpark on the Term “Mommy Blogger”
I don’t know about you but I fell in to blogging. I never set out to make a career in blogging. I read a few blogs. Clicked a few buttons. Joined a few networks. Marvelled at the free stuff I…
Uncle Ben’s To the Rescue #UncleBens
I’m not a gourmet cook. I’m not a made-from-scratch cook. I simply cook meals for my family each and every night. I don’t love to cook. I do love cooking shows, but I never follow through on any of the…
#Yoursphere’s Our World
This past week was Cra-Zy. The kids are finishing up all the wacky and time-consuming end-of-the-year projects. One video on the British colonization of India — check. One recitation with a partner of a speech from Romeo and Juliet —…
Tween Brings Silly Bands to #Yoursphere — Use Code YSMC-0051 for FREE Access
My tween was at first reluctant to join Yoursphere. She might have been annoyed that I asked her to do something. I am the resident nag. Or, she might have felt that she didn’t want to try Yoursphere since her…
Yoursphere Test Drive Mom: Signing Up #Yoursphere
My tween was reluctant to join at first. She felt that I was requiring her to do something. You know in the same way that I require her to do homework…clarinet practice…shower. I’m mean that way. I assured that…