Category: Moms

All things for moms all the time


Today is a day. It will be a day and a half long before I go to bed. With three children in full-day school, you would think I would have plenty o’ time to get what I need done. Yes,…

A Weighty Issue

I have weight that I have gained…lost…gained…lost…gained…and lost during three pregnancies. I have about 50 pounds to lose. I have lost 15 pounds and counting. My oldest is 14, so my path to weight loss is slow. I’m motivated at times.…

#Yoursphere’s Our World

This past week was Cra-Zy. The kids are finishing up all the wacky and time-consuming end-of-the-year projects. One video on the British colonization of India — check. One recitation with a partner of a speech from Romeo and Juliet —…