It was a direct hit. I aimed. I fired. I nailed my target. My target? My then-boyfriiend/now-husband. The location of the hit? The toy aisle at the Gaithersburg Square Toys R Us. My weapon of choice a Nerf Javelin. It…
Category: Kids
All things for kids all the time Check It Out If You Are a Mom of Tweens or Teen
I thought I knew everything about social networks. Well, almost everything. O.K., O.K., I know a thing or two and that is it. Until one day on twitter when I saw a tweet about…hmmm. I had never heard…
Why I Am Not Going to Disney Social Media Moms Conference
It seemed so straightforward. The 5 of us would head to Disney for the Disney Social Media Moms Conference February 10-13. I would do the conference while Coach Dad took the kid, the preteen, and the teen around the parks. We…
“Due” You Have a Tax Deduction Baby?
As New Year’s Day dawns I cannot help but recall New Year 1995-1996. 1995 seems like years ago as I sit here in the early hours of 2010. So much has happened to our family and me since then. Some of my new mom…
Review: iPhone/iTouch Scholastic Apps for Kids
As the proud winner of a new iTouch, I now get a glimpse into the world of iPhones. Until now I have been the kid with my nose pressed up against the glass. Ogling at all the fun things that iPhone…
Giveaway: Joanie Leeds CD — City Kids
California Olive Ranch — Everyday California EVOO From the website: We press our olives within hours of harvest to seal in our distinctive fresh taste. Order your bottle today and enjoy the difference that fresh extra virgin olive oil makes…
Holiday Gift Guide: Boz, The Green Bear Next Door
I opened a package. The kids were clamouring to find out what was in the box. It was a DVD. Actually there were two DVDs. I didn’t recognize the title of the DVD. Boz? Who is Boz? Apparently, Boz is The Green Bear…
Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway: Rebecca Frezza and Big Truck
Here in the Musings from Me home we are Sesame Street fans through and through. My husband and I watched in the early days before Elmo, Zoey, Herrie, and Abby Cadabby. My kids all learned their ABCs and 123s from watching Sesame…
Holiday Gift Guide: Eco-Friendly Toys!
My oldest daughter attended a preschool that I thought was O.K. Adequate for her needs at the time, but not exceptional. In my area it was hard to find a part-time preschool for a 2-year-old. I had limited options. A…
A Caroling We Will Go, A Caroling…
A funny thing happened on the way to our neighbor’s house… A couple of years ago we were caroling in our neighborhood. Let me set the scene. It is bitterly cold…freezing. We are a group of 8. Two moms. Two…