Category: holidays

December 25 — Am I Ready???

I’m stressed. I’m tense. I have a ton of work to do. I have not wrapped a single gift. I have 2-3 packages still to arrive. I’m trying not to get panicked about this fact. I’m borderline snippish with family…

Do You Believe in Santa?

As a parent of 3 children and a Catholic, I keep the Santa myth alive for my children. In England, I grew up calling him “Father Christmas,” but whatever you call him Santa is a magical figure for children. Kids…

All I Want for Christmas…

My friend Elizabeth is giving away a $250 Toys R Us Gift Card today only. Enter now! But, come back and read my post, please? Pretty please.  Elizabeth’s favorite toy was the FP dollhouse. I didn’t have one, but I wanted it! As kids,…