Category: holidays

Chanukah Gift Ideas

Oh!Nuts Company — all Kosher nut company. Great for Chanukah gifts. . Delicious. Mama Doni — released a CD called “Chanukah Fever.” She’s a Weird Al Yankovic type singer with a band (from NJ). Funny songs. I’m not Jewish, but I learned about…

Christmas Gift Ideas and Traditions

Cost cutting stocking stuffers Shop the Walmart after-Christmas sale for bath products, small toys, and Christmas-themed items. Save for following Christmas. Target $1 or the Dollar Store are also good, but be aware of small pieces, lead paint, and choking…

Musings on Thanksgiving

As a former foreigner, I now claim Thanksgiving as a my holiday. As a child Thanksgiving was celebrated intermittently. When in America, do as the Americans do. As a freshman in college, far away from home I was taken in…

Black Friday and Me

I have a checkered past with Black Friday. I love it and hate it at the same time. The love is the deals. The hate is getting up early and braving the DC Metro traffic and the crowds!   Did I mention…

Join the Listerine Oral Challenge

With Halloween literally around-the-corner, the need to brush, floss, and practice good mouth care becomes an essential of our day here at the Musings from Me house. I can’t stop the kids from eating candy, but I can ensure that…