Category: holidays

I Miss Easter Dresses

Yesterday we dyed eggs. We decided not to attend a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt as we were at Arundel Mills Mall for my son’s 7th birthday outing and lunch. He chose to have lunch at the Johnny Rockets and visit…

Where Am I This Week?

Let’s start with where I was last week. This week is all about  recovering from taking the train to New York and flying to and from Houston. New York was awesome. I met a niche toy company. This company have…

Characters at Disney

I’m on a roll with posts… On our first trip to Disney with our kids who were 3 and 5, my husband was thrilled to see the Robin Hood Fox at the entrance to Magic Kingdom. The fox was his…

Feeling the Holiday Letdown

I should prepare myself. It happens every year so why am I so shocked. Every year I get blindsided the day I start taking down decorations. For a day or two before all of us stop turning on the Xmas tree…