Category: Family

Kids Say the Darnedest Things!

Ever have a time on vacation when your child asked you a question or commented on someone’s appearance that made you cringe and want to sink in to the floor. What? No me neither! Well, here’s what my daughter said…

Do You Do This?

When your spouse is losing weight, are you encouraging or do you make your spouse feel guilty about trying to get in shape? I’m sad to admit that I am not a cheerleader when my husband is dieting. He —…

Swim Team Teen Style

My teen has been on the swim team since a teeny tiny 2nd grader. She wore almost the same size swim suit as her 5-year-old sister. Then and now she is skin and bones. Hates cold water. The swimming pool…

Is a Hotel a Home?

Home means something different for everyone. Is home a house you have lived in since you were a newborn newly brought home from the hospital? Or, is home the place you lived for a short while. Can a home be…

Romano’s Macaroni Grill

A while ago I hosted a giveaway for Romano’s Macaroni Grill gift baskets. I have three of them to giveaway. I’m finally contacting the winners. In the meantime, if you would like more information about the Romano’s Macaroni Grill meals or to…