Category: Family


Dinner is a given. Dinner must be cooked. Dinner is always cooked by me. I would prefer to eat out. A frozen pizza sounds like dinner to me. All of the above statements make sense to me. How to solve…

What Lights My Fire?

Editor’s Note: I wrote the following as a response to a writing prompt about electrical storms wiping out the internet (shudder). I was asked to write about my passions… Nothing like being under the gun to write. Pressure? No pressure!…

What Generation Are You?

I saw the following chart in the Washington Post. I tore it out of the Washington Post. Sniff…sniff…this was when we still had the Washington Post delivered. I love reading the paper, but I was overwhelmed by 7 newspapers per…

Winners: Joy Berry Books!

I let snow, snow days, kids off school, shoveling, snow blowing, get in the way of picking my winner for the fabulous Joy Berry Book sets. I apologize. It won’t happen again. Do you forgive me? Say yes? Oh, goo!…

Prunes! Yes, Prunes Were a Hit!

Prunes? I have no clear recollection of eating prunes as a child. Prunes were something that my grandmother might eat. I might have had prunes and custard as part of my school lunch at the Catholic convent school. At my school…

Vote for Brandy!

As a young kid my parents covered my health insurance. In England, we used National Health Service doctors. No copays. No fees. All free health care. Of course, if you required a specialist the wait time could be lengthy. A…

A Movie Starring Me?!?!

Ever ponder the question: If a movie was made about my life, who would play me? I have pondered it, but never get to the part where I decide who will play me. I’m too honest and modest to choose…