Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Our Weekend in Photos #volleyball

This weekend we roadtripped in two cars with three kids to the Happy Volley Volleyball Tournament on the Penn State Campus in State College, PA. The highlights — more detailed blog post to follow: tween and teen happy to stay…

A Story That Needs To Be Told

Did you read the Washington Post on Memorial Day? There was an article about one man’s mission to record and visit all the Vietnam War memorials in all 50 states and the District. Here’s the link: Vietnam. That man is…

#Yoursphere’s Our World

This past week was Cra-Zy. The kids are finishing up all the wacky and time-consuming end-of-the-year projects. One video on the British colonization of India — check. One recitation with a partner of a speech from Romeo and Juliet —…

CityMommy Rolls Out Two New Cities!

Joining a moms group can be the difference between feeling isolated and feeling connected. Moms groups provide a place for moms to connect, vent, exchange information, whine (a little), and feel validated for the job they do. Whether the moms…

My Rant To Verizon!

I spent Friday night in a panic. The phone bill was buried on the kitchen table. The deadline for the bill was Friday. I knew I needed to pay the bill. It was too late to pay by phone, so…