Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Love Thursday: Reindeer Food

My middle daughter brought home a ziploc bag of reindeer food her first year of preschool. At the preschool Christmas party she made reindeer food using glitter and oatmeal. She is now 10 and we still make it. This year…

To Twitter or Not to Twitter

I often write about my daily trials and tribulations over at in 140 characters or less, I vent or complain or observe. Very tidy, except that then I realize that this blog gets neglected. So, here is an honest…

New Year’s Resolutions

I never did a New Year’s Resolution post. So, here it is… Wash dinner dishes at night instead of the next morning. Clean kitchen floor weekly. Continue my policy of not stacking papers everywhere. Open mail, purge, pay, file. Make…

What Works For Me Wednesday

As if WordLESS and WordFUL Wednesday weren’t enough, I present to you: What Works for Me Wednesday over at Systems, resolutions, Fly Lady, cleaning, re-organization, Git r done — all of these terms mean something to me. Here’s the…

Orthodontic Visit: Observations

I took my 10-year-old daughter (Sporty Daughter) to the orthodontist today. Here’s my thoughts: Taking one child anywhere is so relaxing. I could talk to my daughter and not have to listen to my son’s incessant talking. Picking my daughter…

Progresso Gift Basket Winners!

I was a contacted by a representative of Progresso Soup about doing a giveaway of a kitchen gadget basket about a month ago. I love soup, so I was sold on the giveaway! The giveaway generated a whopping 117 comments…

Tomorrow Is the Day…

The children have been home for over two weeks. Tomorrow is the day all three are dreading. Back to school for all of them. Crafty Daughter’s bus time is awful at the best of times, but throw in many late…

The Last Gasp of Christmas

Razor ride-on…here comes Crafty Daughter! Pajamas on Christmas Eve. Two-wheeler time for Adventure Boy. Toe socks and flip flops, but of course. Christmas will officially conclude tonight as Crafty Daughter has her volleyball Secret Santa dinner. It has been a…