Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Getting Back in the Saddle

“Are you just now trying to find a job back in the workforce after spending several years home with the children?” — question posed to me by national women’s magazine  The above category is me. I had my first child in…

Do you have a security item?

Do you have a security item? Something that gives you comfort? My teen had a woolen, knitted blanket….””Ba Ba.” Ba Ba went everywhere with us. I was smart enough to have two or three identical versions that I could give…

Snikiddy Snacks

There are snacks and then there are SNACKS. I prefer SNACKS to snacks any day. A SNACK leaves you satisfied and happy, while a snack leaves you with the feeling that you shouldn’t have wasted those precious calories. Snikiddy is…

I Got All My Sisters with Me!

You know you’re a sister when… You can say twitter, tweet, SEO, and BlogHer without getting a blank look or quizzical stare. My IRL friends don’t get social networking at all. A couple of friends would rather not receive e-mails…phone…

Hop on Over to

One of the first sites I happened upon in my quest for more readers to my blog was The_Blog_Frog. Think: froggie sitting on a lily pad waiting with outstretched tongue for flies. That was my blog. My old pad: A blog with not…

WNBA: Family Time

At 5’3″ I’m not what you would call basketball material. In school in England we played a version of basketball called netball. Anyone ever played? You pass the ball to each other, shoot in to a low basket, but don’t…

Playing Doctor

Recently, I was asked whether it was appropriate for kids to play doctor. You know the game where one kid is the sick kid and one the doctor. I’m not even going down the path of the “playing doctor.” Get…