Do you have a security item?

102_7245Do you have a security item? Something that gives you comfort?

My teen had a woolen, knitted blanket….””Ba Ba.” Ba Ba went everywhere with us. I was smart enough to have two or three identical versions that I could give her when I washed the Ba Ba. But, she always knew which one was the original. Ba Ba is in a ZipLoc bag in her keepsake box.

My preteen had an assortment of stuffed animals…tiny doggies or larger Animal Planet dogs from Toys R Us. She had a new one every week or so it seemed. She’s still mildly attached to her animals — not so the other kids. I suspect my other two wouldn’t notice if the toy box of stuffed animals went missing!

My kid loved the cotton burp clothes. No naptime, trip out, or vacation was complete without at least 2 burpies/clothies in hand or in the diaper bag. I don’t recall when he got rid of it. Not a big deal for him. I suspect I needed them more than he did. It was part of my ritual to drape the cloth over his shoulder. I guess he liked to chew on them as well.  

What is my security blanket? Mine is a hat. I wear a hat when I work. When I stop work I take off the hat. The hat helps me focus on my work. My hat of choice of baseball hat I purchased in the Bahamas when pregnant with my first child.

I was a WAHM from 1996 through 2002. The term WAHM hadn’t been invented. I was a “freelance production editor for a health care publisher.” I wore my hat to stay focused when dealing with a toddler and a preschooler.

Here’s a post I wrote on security items on

I’m back as a WAHM, now that all three kids are in school. Still rocking my hat!

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