Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Spotlight on PR: Jill Berry

 Who am I? I’m a writer. In the early days of my career I shied away from the “writer” title. I was an editor of other people’s writing. I loved my job as a Senior Editor for a publisher, but…

Review: Rock of Ages

The 80s marked the beginning and end of what I term my obsession with music. You know what I mean…that time in your life when you live and breath music. When you wake up to music and simultaneously annoy your…

Book Review: She Still Calls Me Daddy

I recently discovered through my good friend, Mariana, that publishers have programs for bloggers. I love this idea. I quickly signed up with Thomas Nelson. My first book for review was a good one:  She Still Calls Me Daddy: Building a New Relationship with…

Birth Day: SV Moms Book Club

When I meet a fellow mom for the first time, it is not long before the conversation comes around to the following topics: – how were your pregnancies? – how long was your labor? – morning sickness — yay or nay? As a…


Have you checked out from Nickelodeon? As a parent of a kid, a preteen, and a teen, I found lots to interest me. Message boards. Tips. Advice from other moms and dads. Expert advice. To get the best out of,…