Have you ever met someone so joyful you just want to smile? I had the pleasure of meeting one such person at the ChildsPlayPR #bloggersbrunch in New York City. Joy Berry is possibly one of the most positive people I have…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one dinner...game night...movie at a time.
Review: Easy Bake Oven and Snack Center
One of my teen’s favorite gifts was the Easy Bake Oven. She was 5 or 6. Loved cooking. Loved doing everything by herself. Her aunt purchased the gift for her. The Easy Bake Oven was a hit. It was a…
#snOMG Leads to Snow Day
I love snow days! With a husband who is a teacher, snow days for our family mean a break from the routine of – early mornings – grumpy early morning risers – cheerful early morning risers – oblivious early monring…
1-800-Flowers.com Helps Toys for Tots
Years and years and years ago, my then boyfriend/now husband sent me flowers at my office. I recall the receptionist calling me. I bounded down the hallway…trying not to appear excited and failing miserably. I was in my second job. Quite a…
Holiday Gift Guide: Boz, The Green Bear Next Door
I opened a package. The kids were clamouring to find out what was in the box. It was a DVD. Actually there were two DVDs. I didn’t recognize the title of the DVD. Boz? Who is Boz? Apparently, Boz is The Green Bear…
An Elephant Inflatable?
#snOMG is right. Our inflatables are partially covered. The Santa train has ground to a halt. The penguins in the igloo are worried the snow will come in the top of the igloo. Snowman is concerned that his Harley wil…
Holiday Gift Guide: BABW Hal & Holly Moose
We’re BABW fans from around the time my girls were 6 and 4. We were awaiting the arrival 0f our new baby. The girls were busy with school, friends, and activities, so I was not worried that either would be jealous…
Holiday Gift Guide & Giveaway: Rebecca Frezza and Big Truck
Here in the Musings from Me home we are Sesame Street fans through and through. My husband and I watched in the early days before Elmo, Zoey, Herrie, and Abby Cadabby. My kids all learned their ABCs and 123s from watching Sesame…
Holiday Gift Guide: Eco-Friendly Toys!
My oldest daughter attended a preschool that I thought was O.K. Adequate for her needs at the time, but not exceptional. In my area it was hard to find a part-time preschool for a 2-year-old. I had limited options. A…
Holiday Gift Guide: Books — Sam Saboura’s Real Style
I participated in a conference call a few months ago with Sam Saboura from the ABC’s Extreme Makeover. Sam could not have been more informative about how to be a “recessionista” in money conscious times. After about 5 years as…