Tag: school

I Support #MySchoolMyWay! @VolunteerSpot

I SUPPORT MY SCHOOL.. MY WAY! And I’m joining VolunteerSpot’s sponsored Back To School campaign to help raise visibility for parent involvement in schools. Save time {and sanity} and get more parents involved at school with VolunteerSpot.com! VolunteerSpot’s FREE online…

Getting Through It

School needs to be done. Now. Why? Because I am done. Kids are antsy for school to be over. School-year activities are mostly done. Two of the kids stopped getting homework this week. I’m struggling to keep the younger two…

Snow Days

Today’s snow day was just what the kids wanted. But, wait Monday was a day off for them. And so was Friday. So today made it a 5-day weekend. Oh and did I mention that last week in addition to…