This past Saturday we took the kid, the preteen, and the teen to see Where the Wild Things Are. A huge thumbs up from all of us. I was wondering how the kids would do because we had: – a…
Sick Teen or Not
My teen complained yesterday about feeling sniffly. I was not really listening to her. Actually, I couldn’t help but listen to her whiny voice, but we had a fun family day planned so I was preoccupied. We were going to…
I’m a part of the #community Sitewarming on Twitter Tonight!
To attend Tonight’s #community Sitewarming party go to www.resourcefulmommy.comto RSVP. The party starts at 9 p.m. I’m giving away the latest wii Littlest Pet Shop game — not due out until next week. The winner will have one copy hit…
@ParentopiaDevra’s Communicating with Teens Class
Here’s the details: Oct 22nd Parenting Class — Communicating with Teens Talking with your teen doesn’t have to be a headache! Presenter: Devra Renner, MSW, an author of Mommy Guilt and Parentopia Blog AKA @ParentopiaDevra Every generation of parents…
Review: Pretzel Crisps
I tweeted to win a box of Pretzel Crisps back in July. In blogging terms that is so last century. I’m here to tell you — Pretzel Crisps are delish! I tested the bags out on my family when we were…
Why We Are Not Shopping at Party City for Halloween Costumes
My friend and driving buddy for TypeAMom Conference, Holly, wrote about her dismay over little girl clothes and Halloween costumes here. As the mom of two girls, I have fought the good fight against my girls wearing clothing and costumes that I deem to…