I’m in a listening to music type of mood. I might be the last person on earth without an ipod. Thank goodness, I can listen to music on the computer or CD player. #notatechie I’m listening to an album right…
Cyber Monday 2009
I avoid shopping Black Friday. Been there, done that. Getting up early = not fun. Now Cyber Monday is another story. Last Christmas I did practically all my shopping online. It was amazing to get everything done and a little…
Lemonade Stand 2009 or What Should Kids Do by Age 6!
My son is the youngest in our family…youngest grandchild, too. From time to time I forget what he has and has not done. Are you like me? Do you keep a running list in your head of activities that kids…
Review: Zhu Zhu Pets
When I agreed to do a Zhu Zhu Pets party for my daughter’s birthday, I had no idea how huge the ZhuZhu pets craze would be. In fact, I had not even heard of the toys when I signed up. The…
Go to School or Not?
First time ever since switching to WordPress I lost a post. Huh! This happened to me all the time with Blogger. Happens frequently 0n one of the sites I write for. My posts get lost so much that I copy…
The Preteen and Teen Go to Tween Summit
Awesome group of girls who make/sell jewelry to help villages in Africa and provide medical services to rural America. Inspiring. Preteen and Teen at Tween Summit! Share on FacebookPost on XFollow usSave