Want to know where else you can find me? Baby, toddler, preschooler, and early elementary activities in DC Baltimore parenting tweens examiner TypeAParent Preteens and product reviews Out and about in DC Do you want sites we manage or moderate?…
Snow Days
Today’s snow day was just what the kids wanted. But, wait Monday was a day off for them. And so was Friday. So today made it a 5-day weekend. Oh and did I mention that last week in addition to…
Girls Are UnSTOPpable
A PSA for my Readers… I was contacted about a worthwhile campaign. Would I post about a campaign if it wasn’t worthwhile? You know I wouldn’t. So read on… Candace Parker has teamed up with the Playtex® Sport® brand for…
Hmmm…What Would I Do?
Ever been asked what would you do if you won the lottery. I’m sure your answers were outlandish and crazy, and very much over-the-top. Buy a boat. A house! Travel all around the world! When faced with the lottery win,…
Egg-straordinary Science Encounters with #ProjectReady
My Tween worked hard on her Science Fair project. It was all her idea. Her dad gave her the framework to hone her topic, but the ideas and execution were all hers. I helped her pay for the supplies. I…
I Am So Mad!!
Can I share with you? I don’t plan on blogging details. I never blog about specifics about my family. I blog in the vaguest way possible. I want to protect my family and my children. But I want to share…